Marriage Helpers

As with Valentines Day, the annual Wedding Day is something one better tries to remember.

To me this has many similarities with regular car checkups. Although one might get a lot more miles on the odometer before things really start breaking down, regular maintenance helps in keeping things running smooth.

Ok, before you leash out at me: I never would dare comparing my wife with a profane car, but, be honest, I’ve got a point with the maintenance issue, don’t you think?

Picking the right package

So I started thinking what treat I could customize this time.
Chocolates are always a great gift. Even more so if they also are filled with delicious Swiss first class cherry brandy!

OK, if you knew me, you’d probably agree that a little booze sometimes helps to bear with me 🙂
Well, then it’s adding 1 and 1 and you end up with one of the most delicious gifts available: Kirschstängeli (Pronounced something like Khiiersh shtang-alee).

Below is a picture of a Kirschstängeli. It usually consists of a thin hollow sugar crust filled with brandy, which is then covered in chocolate and finally in cocoa powder.


As you’ll probably note, luckily enough I had given the remainders of the paper printouts I had used for the last Valentines chocolates to my daughter, so I recycled those. Also because I like them a lot.

I created a nice label and custom-wrapped the lower and upper box parts, customized the inner top padding and closed the inner padding again using the original gold seal seen below. As you may notice, the inner label hidden by the silky paper wrapping reflects the outer box label. Perfection where perfection is appropriate 🙂craft_2015_weddiAny_03

And finally I wrapped up the whole thing in clear cellophane foil so it looked just like fresh out of the store.

And there you have it:
Tanja and Marco’s Original Marriage Helper


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