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iPhone Cases

iPhone 5 case #5

Here’s case number 5. Because the other cases I used always looked a bit crappy (to me at least) after the coating …

iPhone 5 case #4

This case started with a mistakenly ordered iPhone 5 case for my son’s iPhone 4 from (they had the same design …

iPhone 5 case #3

iPhone case #3 is actually an updated version of case #2. I didn’t like the colors of it after a while, so …

iPhone Cases

I started modifying iPhone cases back with the iPhone 3GS. This section hosts some images and articles covering my ongoing quest for …

iPhone 5 case #2

The second iPhone case had to be more realistic than the first one. The first one was a modified bumper with transparent …

iPhone 5 case #1

The first in the iPhone 5 case series is this low tech approach I had already used with the iPhone 4 before. …